12v DC Water Maker Pro – 17 gph / 12v DC / 600 Watts / Single Membrane


12 Volt DC watermaker system produces 17 gallons per hour of freshwater.
Like all SeaWater Pro units, this unit features manual controls in lieu of super-fancy computerized less reliable and expensive units.
The optional remote control panel measures 10 x 10 inches.
The optional stainless pump does not last longer, it just looks better after 2 years.
The system comes with everything you need to make water.
Simple and easy to install.



  • One switch operation without electronics.
  • 1 Water Desalination Membrane
  • 12 volt DC Industrial Motor
  • High and low-pressure pumps
  • 3 filter unit, 5 microns, 20 microns, & carbon
  • Automatic Switching (rinse-run)
  • Rinse timer Included (backwash)
  • High and low-pressure hoses
  • Patented pressure regulator

Product on Manufacturers website:

DC 12 Volt 600 Watts, 17 GPH Single Membrane Water Maker

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1F1xR_LlKw